How PSD generated over $230K by mining their inactive email subscribers with Winback


Revenue per dormant email


Incremental revenue generated


Average click rate on reactivation campaigns


Inactive audience daily spam complaint rate


Reactivated email subscribers


Increase in LTV for reactivated customers

Nick Lamothe

Head of Growth, PSD

"Working with Winback is a no-brainer and has been the perfect evolution from hanging on to lapsed customers too long, and losing out those who show potential as we focus on list hygiene. It's been a win-win in every way."

The Brand

PSD, a brand on the rise, disrupts the underwear industry by offering a unique blend of premium comfort, bold designs, and accessibility. Founded with the belief that underwear is a foundation for confidence, not just an afterthought, PSD caters to a diverse audience.

The Challenge

Unearthing Gems

PSD Underwear's large email list hid potential customers. The issue: identifying engaged subscribers vs. spam traps. Traditional methods couldn't distinguish between:

1. Loyal Sleepers: Past customers interested in new collections.

2. Shady Spam Traps: Inactive emails used to catch spammers.

As a consequence, targeting a safe segment left a large audience untapped and sales attempts to broader audiences resulted in lower engagement and potential sender reputation damage.

Our Solution

Scoring & Filtering

We started by breaking down the audience into segments and employing our rigorous scoring system to filter out any risky or invalid email addresses.

Advanced Segmentation

Using our advanced audience segmentation approach, we further segmented the audiences and customized our re-engagement strategies for each group to optimize response.

Deliverability & Monitoring

Next, we developed personalized reactivation content. Utilizing our email deliverability tools, we ensured these messaged reached the inbox with improved open & click rates, dynamically reviewing each email and optimizing for delivery success.

Smart Targeted Campaigns

Finally, we initiated a series of targeted email campaigns, rigorously testing and refining them to maximize engagement. The result was a massive uptick in reactivations.

The Result

Leveraging our unique tools and proven experience, we continually optimized our approach to boost performance. The result was a massive uptick in reactivations.

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